Quickly Insert Functions and Variables

Quickly Insert Functions and Variables

19 Jul 2024

I want to share a handy trick with you that can increase your efficiency when developing new scenarios. Instead of navigating through the wizard to insert functions and variables, you can simply type them directly into the input fields. This method not only saves time but also helps you maintain your focus.

Step 1: Quickly Insert Functions

When you want to insert a new function, simply click on the input field, and the Make wizard will open automatically. Instead of scrolling through the options or searching through different tabs, you can start typing the function name you need. For example, if you want to use the "ifempty" function, start typing "ifempty," open your parentheses, and Make will automatically convert it to the correct function syntax.

This approach works for all functions and is especially useful if you have developed a good understanding of the various available functions in Make.

Step 2: Effortlessly Insert Variables

Inserting variables in Make is just as easy. Instead of navigating through the variables and keywords, you can simply open the double curly braces, which is the mustache syntax used by Make, and start typing the variable name you need. For example, to insert the "now" variable, open the double curly braces, type "now," and then close the braces. Make will automatically recognize the variable and convert it correctly.


The same principle applies to other variables, such as the "emptystring" variable. Open the braces, type "emptystring," and then close the braces, and Make will do the rest, converting it to the correct variable syntax.

By mastering this technique, you can significantly improve your efficiency when working with Make. Instead of relying solely on the wizard-driven approach, you can leverage your existing knowledge and type the functions and variables directly, saving time and streamlining your development process.

So, the next time you're building a new scenario, try this trick and experience the difference it can make in your focus.

Happy automating!